Tuesday, November 23, 2010

5 great books to be thankful for

As Thanksgiving approaches, I wanted to give thanks for the hours of pleasure I derived from 5 books I read this year.  Listed here, in no particular order, are my favorite reads of 2010.

1) Gail Carriger's debut novel Soulless

 Witty and fun streampunk at its best!
2) Sepulchre by Kate Mosse
Gothic supernatural suspense set in a remote estate in Provence.  Wonderful! 

A lovely sweeping gaslight romance set in Victorian London.  No wonder they're making a Broadway musical out of it!

4) Magic Under Glass by Jaclyn Dolamore
YA steampunk with echos of Jane Eyre.  I was up till 4 a.m. reading this book. 

5) Tears of Pearl by Tasha Alexander

Victorian suspense set in a Sultan's harem.  Book 4 in the amazing Lady Emily series.   

What are some of the books you're grateful for this year? 


  1. Soulless is on my favorite list, too. I just loved that book!

  2. So glad there are more in the Soulless series to read for 2011, Penelope!
